So, first the fill. It went really well, and I survived. The night before I could not sleep for love nor money and was still awake at 3AM. Uggh... I think it had more to do with finally getting to go to Trader Joes than the fill. My appt. was early and it takes over an hour to get there, so I was up at 7AM. I was in and out for the fill in about 20 minutes. I wasn't nervous until Dr. S came in and started talking to me and filling up the syringe. But he is super fast, thank God and it was no worse than getting your blood drawn. He put in 3 cc.
I made my next appointment, for 4 weeks (March 30) and off I went.
Found TJ's with zero problem, and had some fun shopping at a new store. I found some great new food items, that will be perfect for my protein intake. And very good deals too. I love a good deal!
My first day back to work was that night. Just a sleeping shift, but it was great to be back and starting back on a routine schedule. I was able to pick up some extra shifts which is also great.
On a completely different topic, Sunday I started having back pain and discomfort in my upper left and right quadrants. It feels eerily like when I had my gallstone attack a year ago. This is not good. I was feeling it yesterday too while at work and last night was really bad. Tylenol helped and the pain dissipated, but I'm a little concerned. I've got no time to be dealing with this, and I can't afford to be off of work anymore. I'm going to monitor it and the symptoms and go from there, but I am cautiously optimistic.
Ending on a good note: As of March 2, I am down 12 lbs. and 19 inches total. Wohoo!!!
Jenn, 19" is awesome! Keep up the great work. Your efforts are more inspiring than you know. ;)
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